This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 240153L1, which refers to a house located in the neighborhood of Los Rosales de El Palmar, Murcia. The register is number 6869. The property is a flat that is located in the Third Phase, block sixty-eight, type F, second floor, sixth staircase. The cadastral address is CL VIÑAS Es:6 Pl:02 Pt:0D e/p/p/ 6/02/0D, C.P. 30120 THE PALMAR - MURCIA. The built area of the house is 71.31 m2 and has a quota of 0.930 %. It is mentioned that there is a preferential mortgage constituted in 1975 in favor of the Postal Savings Bank, which could be expired, since there is no record that the payment of the credit guaranteed has been judicially claimed.
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