This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 240912L1, which consists of a flat located in Javalí Viejo, Murcia. It is a house marked with the letter A, located on the first floor of a building in the municipality of Murcia, in Javalí Viejo, with facades to the streets San Antonio No. 86 and Calle Purísima. The cadastral address is CL SAN ANTONIO 86 Pl:01 Pt:A F.R. 2810 C.P. 30831 JAVALI OLD - MURCIA. The house has its own independent access from San Antonio street through a common portal, stairs and elevator. It is distributed in various dependencies and services to live in, with a total constructed area of 131.68 m2, including its participation in common elements. The share of ownership is 11.45%. The auction procedure implies that this property will be available to be acquired by the interested parties through a process organised by the relevant government agency. Participants must comply with the established requirements and follow the instructions to be able to bid on the property. Detailed information on the auction, conditions of sale and deadlines will be available in the official event call.
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