This real estate auction corresponds to lot 226933L08, Finca registral 18766, which includes a duplex apartment in El Raal, Murcia. The property consists of a house on two floors, being the third floor where it is accessed and the attic plant on the previous one. Both floors are connected by an interior staircase. The cadastral address is CL MAYOR 288 Pl:03 Pt:I, C.P. 30139 THE RAAL - MURCIA. The total useful area is 112.89 m2, with a terrace discovered on the attic floor of 16.51 m2. The access is through a unique terrace, staircase and elevator of the building. Internal distribution includes several units. In addition, it has a parking space in the basement floor, identified as number DOS, and a storage room on the same floor, also identified as number DOS. The participation quota is 12.24 per cent. It is important to bear in mind that there is a court order stating that current occupants do not have the right to remain in the dwelling after the award.
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