This real estate auction corresponds to lot 234933L03, Finca registral 9822, which is located in Espinardo - Murcia. It is a plot of 266,00 m2. The credit guaranteed by the preferential mortgage is paid but not cancelled. The buyer does not assume payment and acquires the plot free of charge. The property is described as a plot located in the municipality of Murcia, in Espinardo, Alfatego payment. The cadastral address is SD GRANADA 38 SOLE, C.P. 30009 MURCIA. It has an extension of 266,00 m2 and is close to the NORTH with Senda de Granada, to the MEDIDAY and LEVANTE with the rest of the parent farm from where it is segregated, acquired by Don Juan and Doña Concepción García Balibrera; and to the PONENTE with the plot acquired by Doña Encarnación García Balibrea. The auction procedure implies that the credit guaranteed by the preferential mortgage, registration 5a, is paid but not cancelled on record. The buyer does not assume such payment and acquires the property free of registration charges.
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