This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 236413L1, with registered estate 10843, which is a duplex located in Cobatillas, Murcia. It is the usual dwelling of the former spouse of the contest, who is also co-owner of the property. The maximum price published on the portal has been established by the managing authority to keep bids secret and thus obtain the best possible offer. The lot will be awarded for a minimum price of 100 euros, free of charges that guarantee contract credits, without possibility of bid reservation or extension. The price cannot be improved once the auction is closed, and immediate return of deposits will be made. The house is a detached townhouse identified as number twenty-five, type 25, located in AV SAN ROQUE Es:1 Pl:00 Pt:25 PARCELA U4 SECT NPO COBAT, C.P. 30163 Cobatillas, Murcia. It is distributed in basement, ground floor, first floor and attic, with a useful area of 183.46 m2 and built of 216.51 m2. The quota is 3.285%. The Concursal Administration reports that it has not been able to access the house, so it does not know its current state, and that the estate is not aware of the payment of the IBI and community owner expenses. It should be noted that there is a special privileged credit guaranteed by a mortgage registered in favor of Caixabank, S.A. for an amount of 77,259.03 euros, which will be cancelled at the time of the award of the property. It is important to note that the house is currently occupied by the co-owner, former spouse of the contest, and is his habitual residence.
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