This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 236719L1, which includes a registered property number 6124 located in Javalí Nuevo, Murcia. It is a flat that has a parking space and a storage room. The apartment number twenty-nine is a house on the fourth floor, duplex type, distributed on the ground floor and top floor under the roof of the building. It is located on Carretera Torres de Cotillas number 66, letter E, in Javalí Nuevo, Murcia, with postal code 30832. The house is distributed in several rooms and has a balcony. On the upper floor, it has two uncovered terraces, one in the east border of 17,45 m2 and one in square of 76,27 m2. In addition, the house includes a garage space in the basement first, marked with number 9, and a storage room on the upper fourth floor, marked with number 25. The quota for this house is 3.620 %.
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