This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 216850L01, which includes a 9904 land register. This is a duplex with garage space in Beniaján, Murcia. The property is located in the urbanization Monte Azahar, on plot P-18 and part of the P-19. The detached house consists of ground and upper floor, distributed as follows: on the ground floor there are the living room, kitchen, lobby and toilet; while on the first floor there are three bedrooms, a distributor, a bathroom, a terrace and a attic, with a useful area of 125 m2. The façade garden occupies 21,10 m2. In addition, the house includes a garage located in the basement of the complex, below it, with the VEINTE number. The share of this property is 4.61%. The exact address according to the electronic headquarters of the cadastre is Plaza Cronista Carlos Valcárcel 18, Plana 00, Piso 20, Code Postal 30570 Beniaján, Murcia.
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