This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 235539L1, with the property registration 4222. It is a 142 m2 apartment located in Ronda Norte, Murcia. The property is a type H house type left, located on the fourth floor with access by the staircase on the right. According to the Cadastre electronic headquarters, the address is GV RONDA NORTE 21 Es:C Pl:04 Pt:0H e/p/p/ C/04/0H 30009 MURCIA and is part of the Monte Carlo building. The apartment covers an area of 142.13 m2 and is distributed in several rooms and services. As for the boundaries, the house is on the right, the courtyard of lights and the public street; on the left, the courtyard of lights and a type I house with access by the staircase of the center; and on the back, with another public street. The share of the property is 1.491%. The auction procedure involves the sale of this property, with the possibility for interested parties to submit their economic offers to acquire it. It is important to follow the requirements and deadlines established by the government agency in charge of the auction to participate correctly in the process of acquiring this property in Murcia.
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