This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 236347L1, which refers to a property in Zeneta, Murcia. It is a flat located on the second raised floor of a building on Avenida Juan Carlos I, with facade towards that avenue. The exact address is Av. Juan Carlos I 26 Es:1 Pl:02 Pt:B 1/02/B (DH 7) 30588 Murcia (Zeneta) (Murcia). The house has a useful area of 85,28 m2 and is distributed in lobby, hallway, kitchen, two bathrooms, living room, laundry room and three bedrooms. The share of ownership is 4.68%. This property is in public auction organized by the relevant government agency. Interested parties may participate in the auction in accordance with the procedure established by the public body, which includes the submission of tenders in accordance with the established principles and requirements. It is important to take into account all conditions and terms of the auction before making any bid.
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