This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 233060L25, Finca registral 13527, which includes a commercial venue of 53.33 m2 located in the Polígono Industrial San Ginés, Murcia. The venue is located on the ground floor, identified as H, inside the building located in the West Industrial Polígono of San Ginés, Performance Unit called West, number 30-1, phase number DOS World Building of the Set Inmobiliario West Office Park composed of nine phases. The exact address is AV PRINCIPAL 301 Es:2 Pl:00 Pt:08 DH-48 PHASE II 30120 MURCIA, SAN GENES. The total constructed area is 53.33 m2 and the quota is 2.04%. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must submit their tenders on the electronic platform enabled by the relevant public body. Tenders must comply with the requirements set out in the basis of the auction, including the guarantee required to participate. Once the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired, the tenders shall be opened and the lot awarded to the bidder with the highest tender, provided that the tender complies with the conditions laid down. It is important to bear in mind that participation in the auction implies the knowledge and acceptance of all the conditions and terms established in the bases, as well as the obligation to comply with the payment of the final price within the stipulated time.
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