This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 233060L05, which refers to a garage space located in the Polígono Industrial San Ginés, Murcia. This is BATCH 5, which is a basement parking lot marked with the number CINCO. This parking space is part of a building in Murcia, specifically in the West Industrial Polígono of San Ginés, within the Unit of Action called West marked with the number 30-1, phase number DOS of the World Building of the Set Real Estate Office Park West integrated by nine phases. According to the Electronic Headquarters of the Cadastre, the exact address is AV PRINCIPAL 301 Es:2 Pl:-1 Pt:05 DH-5 PHASE II 30120 MURCIA, SAN GENES. The parking space has an area of 13,23 m2 and a share of ownership of 0.50%. The procedure for this auction implies that the interested parties submit their economic offers electronically through the platform enabled by the auctioning body. Tenders must comply with the conditions laid down and comply with the deadlines laid down. Once the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired, the tenders shall be opened and the lot awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it meets the requirements. It is important to bear in mind that participation in the auction implies acceptance of the conditions laid down and the obligation to comply with the obligations arising from the allocation of the lot.
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