This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 230655L06, which refers to a registration property number 23995 located in Archena. It is a plot of 105.2 m2 of consolidated urban land. The cadastral address is Calle San Quintín, C.P. 30600 Archena, although the possibility of Trafalgar Street 17[A] Polígono 1, 30600 Archena is also mentioned. The plot is adjacent to the front with Trafalgar Street, to the right with the rest of the main estate destined for the extension of Trafalgar Street, to the left with José Antonio López Pérez and to the back with San Quintín Street. It should be noted that it has not been possible to confirm to which cadastral plot it can correspond, since there are two possibilities: the 8698405XH4189N0001DT without holder determined according to the registration information, or the 8698406XH4189H0001XB that appears in the cadastre in the name of the defendant.
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