This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 222365L05, which includes a property registered under number 21108 in Archena. Lot 5 consists of a flat that includes a garage space. Apartment eight is a type C house located on the first floor of a building on Calle Miguel Fernández in Archena. The cadastral address is CL MAESTRO MIGUEL FDEZ 18 Es:1 Pl:01 Pt:0C, C.P. 30600 ARCHENA. The house has a constructed area of 60.49 m2 and is distributed in several dependencies and rooms. In addition, there is a parking space, the number thirty-two, located in the basement of the building, with access from Calle Duque de Huete through a ramp, as well as from the stairs of the building by stairs and elevator. The share of the parking space is 1.46%.
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