This real estate auction corresponds to lot 239540L04, registered estate 54526, which includes an apartment located in the Urbanización Los Collados Golf de Águilas. The apartment is of type A-5, it is located on the second floor of Block I in the Plot C or Phase 3 of the urbanization. The cadastral direction is UR COLLADOS ZIESCHANG, LOS 40 Es:1 Pl:02 Pt:A5 C.P. 30889 Eagles. The built area is 60 m2 and includes an area parking space with direct access from A Street, marked with the number twenty-eight. The housing has a share in the total total of buildings of this phase of 1.14%. The auction procedure involves the bidding of this specific lot, with all the characteristics mentioned above, and interested parties may participate in accordance with the regulations and requirements established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Participants must submit the required documentation, make the offers following the instructions of the auction process and comply with the conditions of payment and acquisition of the property in case of winnings. This auction is conducted in a transparent and regulated manner by the relevant government entity, ensuring legality and fairness in the process of acquiring property.
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