This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 226183L32, which is lot 82 of the auction with ID 226183. It is a flat in Águilas, with registration property number 62043. The property in question is a place intended for housing, located on the first upper floor of the building, identified with the letter G and accessed by stairs and elevator. The cadastral reference corresponds to the floor located on Calle Francisco Simo Orts 13, rest of the floor, postal code 30880 Eagles. The constructed area, including the common elements, is 125.51 m2, distributed in several rooms. In addition, this property has the right to use and enjoy half the floor of the courtyard of lights with which it borders, with a quota of 1.98%. The auction procedure implies that the interested parties must follow the instructions provided by the government agency in charge of the auction. Participants must comply with the established requirements and present the necessary guarantees to be able to participate in the bid. Once the auction is completed, the winning bidder must pay the corresponding amount within the time limit and proceed to the formalization of the sale of the property.
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