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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of residential property in aguilas, district Murcia

starting price: € 207527
area: 232.0 m2

This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 226183L31, registered estate 62041, consisting of a flat in Águilas. The lot 81, belonging to lot 31 of the auction with ID 226183, is a place intended for housing located on the first upper floor of the building, marked with the letter F and accessed by stairs and elevator. The cadastral reference corresponds to the ground on Calle Francisco Simó Orts 13, rest of the ground, C.P. 30880 Eagles. The constructed area, including common elements, is 121.65 m2, distributed in several dependencies. This farm has the right to use and enjoy half the floor of the adjoining courtyard of lights, with a quota of 1.91%.

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