This real estate auction includes a house located on 22nd Christ King Street in the city of Segunto. The property consists of ground floor and a corral, with a total area of one hundred and eighty-two square meters. Of these, seventy-five square meters correspond to the built part and the remaining one hundred and seven square meters to the corral. The house in question is number twenty-two on the above-mentioned street and is available for auction. As for the auction procedure, organized by a Spanish government agency, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations and regulations established for this type of process. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements laid down, such as the submission of required documentation and the deposit of a security in the event of being successful. During the auction, a transparent and public process will be followed, where participants will be able to bid for the property in question. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder shall be awarded the good, provided that the tender complies with the conditions laid down. In short, this real estate auction offers the opportunity to acquire a house in the city of Segunto, with a detailed description of its characteristics and a clear procedure for participation in the auction organized by the Spanish government.
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