This real estate auction presents a land in Elche/Elche (Alicante) identified as plot 9050 in La Marina. The land has an area of 9 areas, equivalent to 900 m2, all of which can be built. It borders to the north and south with the rest of the estate from where it is segregated, to the east with the rest and to the west with a building under construction belonging to the seller. It is the totality of the full domain of this portion of building land in Elche. The auction procedure involves competitive bids on the part of the interested parties, where a base price is established and bids are made until the winner is determined. Interested parties must comply with the requirements established by the government auctioning body, such as providing financial guarantees and necessary documentation. Once the auction has been concluded, the sale of the land is formalized to the winner, who will have to comply with the corresponding payments and procedures to acquire the property.
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