This real estate auction is for a type F house located on the fifth floor of a high penthouse, in the city of Castellón de la Plana, on 51 Republica Argentina street. The house is on the left wing facing the facade of the building facing south. The cadastral reference is 2300402YK5320S0023UQ and is registered in the Register of the Property of Castellón de la Plana number 2, in Volume 597 and folio 72. The mortgage that is being executed corresponds to the 16th registration of the Finca 5,972 de Castellón. The procedure of the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency is that this house is put on sale through a public bid. Those interested in participating must meet certain requirements and submit an economic offer in writing. The auction is conducted in a transparent manner and the good is awarded to the highest bidder. Once the auction is completed, the sale is formalized and the property is delivered to the buyer.
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