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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Rural property

Auction sale of rural property property in Alzira, district Valencia

starting price: € 217917
area: 383.0 m2

This real estate auction presents two rustic properties located in the Alzira district, in the Aguas Vivas barracks, in the Rincón de Matamoros area. The first property consists of an uncultivated land with an extension of eleven areas and fifty-three centiareas, equivalent to one hanego, one quaton and twenty-seven fathoms. On this land there is an elevated house that has an area of one hundred and twenty-eight meters and eighty square decimeter. Of these, forty meters and forty square decimeter correspond to an uncovered terrace, while the remaining eighty-eight meters and forty square decimeter are destined for a house with dining room, kitchen, toilet and four bedrooms. The part covered by the built, which currently does not have a table, is used as a storage room. The second property is also an uncultivated land located in the same area of Alzira, in the barracks of Aguas Vivas, in the Rincón de Matamoros. It has an extension of eleven areas and fifty-three centiare areas, equivalent to one hanego, one quaton and twenty-seven fathoms. Like the first property, on this land there is an elevated house with an area of one hundred and twenty-eight meters and eighty square decimeter. Of these, forty meters and forty square decimeter are an uncovered terrace, while the remaining eighty-eight meters and forty square decimeter are destined for a house with dining room, kitchen, toilet and four bedrooms. The part covered by the built, which currently does not have a table, is used as a storage room. The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish public body is for interested parties to submit their economic offers in writing, which must comply with the requirements set out in the basics of the auction. Once tenders have been received, tenders shall be opened in the presence of tenderers wishing to attend. The property will be awarded to the bidder who has submitted the highest bid, provided that it meets the conditions of the auction.

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