This real estate auction corresponds to the Finca number 8,443 of the NUEVE NUMBER ENTITY. It is a house located on the second floor, first door, of the house number two, on Calle Verge de Montserrat in Viladecans. The house consists of a hall, dining room-lounge, three bedrooms, kitchen, toilet and laundry room, with an area of fifty-eight meters with thirty-five square decimeter. The boundaries of the property are as follows: to the front, part of the landing of the staircase, part of the courtyard of lights and part of the fourth door on the same floor; to the right, the second door on the same floor; to the left, the estate of Promotora Catalan de Inversiones, S.A.; to the bottom, the building estate Constellación, S.A. The auction procedure implies that the property will be offered to the highest bidder, and will be carried out in accordance with the regulations and requirements established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Those interested in participating must comply with the registration requirements and provide the necessary guarantees to participate in the bid. Upon completion of the auction, the successful tenderer shall complete the payment and formalisation of the purchase within the time limits set by the organising entity.
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