This real estate auction consists of the sale of a house located on the zero level, designated as ground floor, with door E, in a building located in Tordera, with facade to the street Mas Figueras, number nine. The house is identified as the number five and five. It is a property in a specific location in Tordera, with access from the mentioned street. The auction procedure implies that those interested in acquiring this particular dwelling must participate in the bid organised by the government agency in charge of the auction. Participants must follow the instructions and requirements established to be able to bid for the property. The dwelling shall be awarded to the bidder who submits the highest bid within the time limit set by the auction. It is important to note that the detailed description of the property, including its exact location, characteristics and specific conditions, is available in the official auction documentation provided by the responsible government entity. Stakeholders should carefully review this information before participating in the auction to ensure that they are fully informed about the property in question.
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