This real estate auction corresponds to the property number 24.107 of the third section, belonging to volume 3058 of the archive, book 419, with folio 30, registered in the Property Registry number 2 of Terrassa. The cadastral reference is 9316022DG1091B0009SL and the address of the property is 59th Street San Damian and 61st Street, second floor, first door, in Terrassa. At the auction, this property located at the aforementioned address, which has a central location and access to public and commercial services, will be put on sale. It is a property with a second floor distribution, with an access door on the first floor. The property is registered and legally registered in the Terrassa Property Registry. The procedure of the real estate auction will be carried out by the relevant government agency, following the regulations and regulations established for this type of process. Those interested in participating in the auction shall comply with the requirements and conditions laid down, as well as submit the documentation necessary to enable them to participate in the bid for the property in question. It is important that auction participants be properly informed about the characteristics and conditions of the property to be auctioned, as well as about the auction process and the obligations associated with the acquisition of the auction. Interested parties to participate in the auction are advised to provide detailed information on the terms and conditions of the auction, as well as on the deadlines and requirements to be met in order to be able to participate in the acquisition process.
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