This real estate auction corresponds to two properties located in Salou. The first is the registered property number 12353, registered in the Property Registry of Salou, volume 1535, book 447, folio 65. This is a single family urban house located in Plaza Catalunya number 5, apartment letter D number 6 of Salou. The second property is also the registered property number 12353, registered in the Property Registry of Salou, volume 1535, book 447, folio 65. It is a single family urban house located in the same direction, in Plaza Catalunya number 5, apartment letter D number 6 of Salou. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must submit written offers in closed envelope, with their personal data and the amount offered by the property. The auction shall be conducted in the presence of a notary and the bidders shall comply with the requirements established by the government auctioning body. Once the auction is completed, the winning bidder must pay the amount offered and formalize the purchase before the corresponding Property Registry.
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