This real estate auction presents the property registration 8,404 of the Property Registry number 2 of Rubí. The property belongs in full control to JUAN Quesada Ballesteros and MARIA TERESA ROMAN MUÑOZ. The description details that this is an urban estate that consists of a house on the ground floors, specifically the first door to the left when entering the back of the ground floor of the house number five of Calle Junceda de Rubí. The cadastral reference is 9842011DF1994S0001MQ. The procedure of the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency includes the publication of the call in the Official Gazette of the State and in the notice board of the corresponding City Council. Those interested in participating must comply with the established requirements and present a guarantee to participate in the bid. During the auction, the corresponding bids are made until the property is awarded to the bidder with the best bid. Once the auction is concluded, the sale is formalized by signing a contract and paying the agreed price.
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