This real estate auction refers to a house located on the 1st floor, gate 4, of block 1 of a set of buildings in Rubí. The complex consists of two blocks of buildings, the one block facing Riu Llobregat Street, numbers thirteen and fifteen. The housing in question is number one-seven. In the auction procedure, the bid will be made on this property, where the interested parties will be able to submit their offers of purchase. The auction shall be regulated by the government agency in charge, following established rules and procedures to ensure transparency and legality of the process. Participants must comply with the requirements set out to be able to participate in the auction, such as making a prior deposit or submitting the necessary documentation. Once the auction is concluded, the winner will be the one who has offered the best economic offer for the property, and will proceed with the formalization of the sale as stipulated by the organizing entity.
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