This real estate auction consists of the sale of a house located on the first floor of the building located in Rosselló, calle Major, 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered to calle Unió, with access by the stairs 2. The housing in question, identified as number one-five, has a useful area of 55.03 square meters. It is composed of several rooms or outbuildings, as well as a terrace on its left side. The auction procedure implies that the interested parties must submit their tenders in a closed envelope, clearly indicating their personal data and the amount offered by the property. The bid will be made publicly and awarded to the highest bidder. It is important to note that the property is sold under the conditions in which it is located, so it is recommended that the interested parties carry out a prior inspection of the property. This real estate auction is organized by the relevant government agency, following the legal procedures established for the sale of property. Specific details on the date, place and requirements to participate in the auction are available in the official call issued by the responsible entity.
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