This real estate auction consists of the sale of a house located on the second floor of the building located in Rosselló, calle Major, 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered by calle Unió, with access through stairway 1. The house, identified as number one-four, is a fifth door and has a useful surface area of 49.54 square meters. It is composed of several rooms or outbuildings, in addition to having a terrace on the back. The auction procedure implies that the interested parties submit their offers of purchase in closed envelope, following the instructions and requirements established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Once the tenders have been received, the envelopes will be opened and the property will be awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it meets the required conditions. It is important for auction participants to be attentive to the deadlines for submission of tenders, as well as to the terms of payment and other terms governing the sale of the property. Transparency and legality in the auction process are guaranteed by the government entity responsible for the auction.
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