This real estate auction corresponds to a duplex house located in the building located in Rosselló, calle Major, 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered to calle Unió, with access by stairway 1. The housing in question is the number one hundred and two, with door on the third floor and distributed on the second floor and under cover. It has a useful area of 93.93 square meters, being 48.25 square meters corresponding to the second floor and 45.68 square meters to the lower floor covered, which are connected by an internal staircase. The house consists of several rooms or outbuildings, as well as a terrace on its right side on the second floor. It is located in a building with five stairs on Major Street. This property will be auctioned by the relevant government agency. The procedure for the real estate auction shall involve the publication of the basis of the auction, the valuation of the property, the fixing of the type of auction, the advertising of the auction, the holding of the auction and the award of the highest bidder. Those interested in participating shall comply with the requirements set out in the basis of the auction and submit the necessary documentation within the specified time limits.
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