This real estate auction corresponds to a house located on the first floor of the building on Rosselló Street, number 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered by Unió Street, with access by stairway 1. The housing in question is number ninety-seven, with the door in the fourth position. It has a useful area of 56.99 square meters and consists of several rooms or outbuildings, as well as a terrace on its left side. As for the auction procedure, it is organized by an agency of the Spanish government. First, an advertisement is published detailing the property to be auctioned, as in this case, a housing with specific characteristics. Those interested in participating must meet certain requirements and provide an economic guarantee. The auction is conducted publicly, where participants make incremental offers until the base price is reached or the winner is determined. Upon completion of the auction, the successful tenderer shall pay the auction price and complete the formalities necessary to formalize the acquisition of the property.
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