This real estate auction includes a description of a property located on the ground floor of the building in Rosselló, calle Major, 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered by calle Unió, with access by stairway 1. The house, identified as number ninety-two, has a useful area of 37.88 square meters and consists of several rooms or outbuildings, as well as a terrace on the back. The property is located in a central area and has access to public services and transport. As for the auction procedure, organised by a Spanish government agency, it will be carried out in accordance with the established regulations. Those interested in participating shall comply with the specified requirements and conditions, submit the required documentation and make the tenders in accordance with the indications provided. The property will be awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it complies with the terms of the auction. It is important that auction participants be aware of the dates and deadlines set, as well as any changes or additional information that may arise during the process. Transparency and legality are fundamental in these types of events, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all those interested in acquiring property.
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