This real estate auction includes the sale of a garage space located on the basement floor of a building on Rosselló Street, corner with Major Street, numbers 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, with road access through a ramp from Major Street. The garage space in question is number 67, with a useful area of 11.60 square meters. Its boundaries are as follows: in front, one step; on the right when entering, garage 66; on the left when entering, garage 68; and on the bottom, a wall. The share share associated with this property is 0.19 per cent. As regards the auction procedure, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge, where the interested parties will be able to participate according to the guidelines and requirements indicated in the bases of the auction. The deadlines for submission of tenders, the guarantees to be deposited and the steps to be taken to award the property to the highest bidder shall be established. It is important that participants follow carefully the instructions provided to ensure their participation in the auction process in a correct and transparent manner.
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