This real estate auction includes two commercial premises located in Reus, on Nuñez de Arce Street, currently Av. Jocs Olimpics. The first place, identified with the number 16, has a constructed area of 12,20 m2. Its boundaries are as follows: to the front, Av. Jocs Olimpics where the entrance is located; on the right, when entering is the place 17, belonging to the ladder number 37 of another phase; on the left, the staircase number 35; and on the back, a landscaped area. The share of this facility is 1.4074984 per cent. The second location, also identified as number 16, is part of the same building in the same direction. It has a constructed area of 12,20 m2 and shares the same boundaries as the previous premises. The share of this facility is also 1.4074984 per cent. At the auction, the interested parties may bid on these commercial premises in accordance with the procedure established by the government agency responsible for the auction. Participants must comply with the established requirements and present the necessary guarantees to participate in the bid. Once the auction is concluded, the premises will be awarded to the bidder who has offered the best economic offer, provided that they meet all the required conditions.
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