This real estate auction consists of a house located on the ground floor, first door of the property facing Calle del Moli de Vent, number 32-34, in the municipality of Mataró. The property is registered in the Property Register number one of Mataró with the number 24837. The property in question is a ground floor home with access through the first door, and its location is in a specific area of Mataró. The auction procedure implies that this property will be put for sale by the relevant government agency, following the regulations and regulations established for this type of transaction. Those interested in participating in the auction shall comply with the requirements and conditions laid down, and may submit their tenders within the specified time limits. In short, it is a ground floor house located in Mataró, which will be auctioned by the government through a regulated process, and stakeholders will have to follow the instructions and deadlines established to participate in the auction.
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