This real estate auction corresponds to the registered estate 58205, which includes a parking space with the entity number eleven. The property is located in a central and easily accessible area. The parking space is of standard size and is designated with the number eleven within the entity. This is an opportunity to acquire a parking space in a convenient location. The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency consists of several stages. First, the auction call is published with the detailed description of the goods to be auctioned, as in this case the parking space. Subsequently, interested parties must present a guarantee to participate in the auction. During the auction, participants make their bids publicly and competitively. The property is awarded to the bidder who offers the highest amount above the established departure price. Once the auction is concluded, the sale is formalized by signing a contract and paying the auction price. In short, this real estate auction offers the opportunity to acquire a parking space in a privileged location through a transparent and regulated process by the relevant government agency.
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