This real estate auction corresponds to the registered property 58197, which includes a parking space with number 7. The property is located in a central area of the city, close to services and shops. The parking space is of standard size and is located in a communal garage with easy access. The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency consists of several stages. First, the auction call is published with the detailed description of the property to be auctioned, as in this case the property registration 58197 with parking space number 7. Those interested in participating must comply with the established requirements and present a guarantee to participate in the auction. Once the requirements have been met, the public auction is conducted, where the participants make their bids for the property. The auction process is conducted in a transparent manner and under the supervision of the government agency. The participant offering the highest amount is awarded the property, provided that it complies with the established conditions. In the event that the auction ends with a winner, the contract of sale is signed and the agreed price paid. It is important to bear in mind that once the property has been awarded, the new owner will have to bear the corresponding expenses and taxes. In short, this real estate auction offers the opportunity to acquire the 58197 registered estate with parking space number 7, following a transparent and regulated procedure by the Spanish government agency.
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