This real estate auction corresponds to a plot located in Llagostera, Girona. It is an urban plot with reference FC13, of 826.43m2 of area. The plot is irregular and is located in the urbanization Font Bona. It is the plot number thirteen of the apple FC and borders to the north with the plot number eleven and the street Puig del Perdigole to the south, with the plot number fourteen of the apple FC, to the east with the street Puig del Perdigole and to the west with the zone number 10011 destined to green zone. The origin of this plot is a segregation of the instrumental grouping, inscribed in volume 4007, book 258 of Llagostera, folio 97, finca 9.240, inscription 1a, which is part of the Font Bona de Llagostera reparcellation project. The ratio of urbanization costs is 0.27496 per cent. As regards the procedure of the auction, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements and follow the steps indicated in order to be able to bid for the acquisition of this plot in Llagostera, Girona.
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