This real estate auction refers to a plot in full control located in the Font Bona Urbanización, in Llagostera, Girona. The terrain has an irregular shape and an area of 684,83m2. It is the 16th plot of the E block and borders to the north with the thirty-one plot of the same block, to the south with the 14th plot of the E block, to the east with the Puig de les Grantesses street and to the west with the thirty-seven plot of the E block and the 10018 zone destined to the equipment area. The origin of this plot is from the segregation of the instrumental grouping, inscribed in volume 4007, book 258 of Llagostera, folio 97, finca 9.240, inscription 1a, which is the extension of the Font Bona de Llagostera reparcelation project. In addition, the ratio of urbanization costs is 0.22785. As regards the auction procedure, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Those interested in participating should comply with the requirements and submit the necessary documentation within the deadlines set. The auction will be conducted in a public and transparent manner, allowing participants to make their offers in a competitive manner. Once the auction has been concluded, the site will be awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it meets the established conditions.
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