This real estate auction features a portion of land and an industrial building located in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, on Capitan Hernando Prats Street (now General Prim Street) with number 42. The total area is 264.08 square meters, equivalent to 6.989.66 square meters. The property has an industrial ground floor nave covered with roof. As for the boundaries, the property borders to the east with the street of Captain Hernando Prats in a length of 8.71 meters; to the south, with the rest of the parent estate from which it originates, belonging to Don Ramón Bulet Bordas and Don Cándido de Pedrol or Padrol Dalmau; to the north, in a length of 30.22 meters with the estate of Don Eugenio Verdú García; and to the west, with the estate of Don Vicente Nanot and the estate of "Textilistic Finishes, S.L.". The real estate auction process organized by the Spanish government agency includes this property with the detailed description above, offering interested parties the opportunity to acquire it through a transparent and regulated process.
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