This real estate auction presents the estate 9208, which includes Department number seven, located on the second floor, second door, of house number 54 on Campoamor Street, in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. The house has an area of forty square meters and borders Campoamor Street to the East, with a patio of lights and staircase to the West, and with a farm from which it comes to the North and the South. The C.R.U. of this property is 08084000463319. As for the procedure of the auction, it is organized by a Spanish government agency. Those interested in participating must meet certain requirements and follow a specific process. In order to bid for the property, participants must pre-register and present an economic guarantee. During the auction, a base price is established and bidders increase bids competitively until the highest value is reached. Once the auction is over, the bidder who has offered the highest amount becomes the new owner of the property. It is important to bear in mind that there are regulations and regulations governing this type of transaction, so it is essential to be properly informed before participating in a real estate auction organized by the Spanish government.
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