This real estate auction corresponds to an urban estate with number 30948, plot 11, buildable and in the form of "L", located in Igualada (Barcelona). The property faces the streets of Cardenal Vives, Sant Carles and Les Delicios. The registration data indicate that it is registered in the Register of Property of Igualada number 1, in Volume 2901, Book 838, Folio 210, with cadastral reference 5241503CG8054S0001SE. The auction procedure implies that this property is available to be acquired through the public bid organised by the relevant government agency. Interested parties should follow the instructions and requirements laid down by that body to participate in the auction and make their bids for the property described. It is important for auction participants to be aware of all conditions, deadlines and regulations related to the acquisition of the estate, as well as of the steps to be taken to formalize the purchase in case of winning the auction. The transparency and legality of the process are ensured by being organized by a governmental entity.
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