This real estate auction corresponds to a house located on the third floor, with the door identified as third, in a building located on Calaf Street, numbers 8-10 in Igualada. Housing is part of entity number ten and is located in that specific direction. The auction procedure implies that this property will be put for sale by the relevant government agency. Those interested in participating in the auction shall comply with the requirements established by the organizing entity, submit the necessary documentation and make an economic bid for the property. During the auction, participants may make successive offers to try to acquire the dwelling in question. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder will be the winner and legal procedures will be followed for the transfer of the property. It is important to bear in mind that this type of real estate auction is an opportunity to acquire properties at a competitive price, but it is essential to follow all the instructions and regulations established by the organizing entity to participate correctly in the auction process.
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