This real estate auction corresponds to a garage located on Av. Cornellà, 123 with an area of 1 square meter in Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona. It is the full property of a department number one hundred and six, which includes a parking space for motorcycles in the basement -1 of a building in the mentioned address. The building has facade to Av. Cornellà 123 and 125, Francesc Layret 2 and 14, Serra del Montsec 48 and 50, and Joan Tomas i Pares Square. The auction is organized by a Spanish government agency and is conducted following a specific procedure. Those interested in participating must comply with the established requirements, submit the necessary documentation and make an economic offer in writing. Once the auction is completed, the winning bidder must pay the amount offered and complete the legal procedures for the acquisition of the garage.
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