This real estate auction corresponds to the property number 3,842, which includes a storage room marked with the number 12. The storage room is located on the basement floor -2 of a multifamily building located in Castellebell i el Vilar, with façade to 51 Bauma Street. The storage room in question is part of the aforementioned property and is available for auction by the relevant government agency. As regards the auction procedure, it shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations and requirements established by the body responsible. Those interested in participating in the auction shall comply with the specified terms and conditions, submit the required documentation and make the tenders in accordance with the indications provided. It is important to bear in mind that the real estate auction is a public and transparent process, in which participants can bid for the purchase of the storage room in question. Once the auction is concluded, the highest bidder will be the successful bidder of the storeroom, having to comply with the corresponding payments and formalities to complete the transaction. For more details about the auction and the conditions of participation, it is recommended to contact directly the body responsible for the auction.
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