This real estate auction corresponds to a land located on Calle Santa Elena, number 29, in Castellar del Vallès, in the urbanisation Airesol. The property is registered in the Property Register of Sabadell number 4, Volume 2384, Book 155 and Portfolio 53. The cadastral reference of the plot is 2891002DG2029S0001WJ. The procedure of the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency consists of several steps. First, an advertisement is published with detailed information on the property to be auctioned, including location, land characteristics, registration and cadastral data, as well as auction conditions. Those interested in participating in the auction must comply with the requirements established by the body, which may include the presentation of an economic guarantee, prior registration in the auction register, among others. Once the requirements have been met, participants can make their offers by following the indications provided by the body. During the auction, participants can make successive offers to try to acquire the property. Once the auction has been concluded, the land shall be allocated to the highest bidder, provided that it complies with the conditions laid down. In short, this real estate auction offers the opportunity to acquire land in Castellar del Vallès, with all the necessary legal procedures and guarantees to ensure a transparent and secure transaction.
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