This real estate auction corresponds to a property located in Barcelona, in the street Conca de Tremp number 65, in the neighborhood of Horta. It is a house that occupies the second floor, with a hallway, laundry room, toilet room, four bedrooms, dining room-lounge and a side terrace of 92 square decimeter. The useful area of the house is 74.40 square meters. The property borders to the west with the front of the second floor housing building, to the south with the estate of Messrs.Ocaña and Romero, to the north with the stairwell where it has its entrance, the patio and the estate of Pedro Nicolau, and to the bottom with the mezzanine floor. The property is registered in the Property Register number 11 of Barcelona, to volume 1568, book 1568, folio 157, finca 24,164, registration 2a. This detailed description provides information on the distribution and characteristics of the housing being auctioned by the relevant government agency.
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