This real estate auction corresponds to a house located on the second floor of the 401th house of Espronceda Street, in the Meridiana Urbanisation of Barcelona. The house in question is a first floor, first door, with a constructed area of 68.75 square meters. It has three bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, distributor, terrace and laundry. It has access to running water and electric light. The cadastral reference is 1958918DF3815H0005PH and is registered in the Property Registry number 22 of Barcelona, to volume 2126, book 112, folio 73, farm number 5950, registration 2a. This property is being auctioned by the relevant government agency. Those interested in participating in the auction should follow the procedure established by that body, complying with the requirements and deadlines set for bidding for ownership.
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