This real estate auction corresponds to Finca 45656 registered in Badalona Property Register No. 2. It is an urban estate that consists of a ten entity, located on the second fourth door floor of Estadi Street, and a parking space, the fourteen, located in the basement. The exact address of the property is Calle Carrer De Lestadi 6-8, 2o-4a, 08914 - Badalona. The estate is inscribed in Volume 4059, Book 1279, Folio 161, inscription 2. The auction procedure shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge. Those interested in participating should comply with the requirements and submit the requested documentation within the time limits. The auction shall be conducted in a public and transparent manner, following a process that ensures equal opportunities for all participants. Upon completion of the auction, the successful tenderer shall comply with the terms of payment and formalisation of the contract of sale as laid down in the basis of the auction.
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