This real estate auction organized by the Spanish government includes the Finca 554 de Anglesola, which is a rustic property consisting of a piece of camp and dry land located in Anglesola, in the Partida de les Coves. The farm in question stands out for its location in a rural environment, ideal for agricultural or livestock activities. The auction procedure implies that those interested in acquiring this property must register and submit an economic offer in writing. The auction will be conducted in accordance with regulations established by the responsible government agency, and the highest bidder will be the winner of the auction and will obtain ownership. It is important to note that participating in a real estate auction requires some documentation and meets the requirements set by the government. In addition, a prior investigation of the property in question is essential in order to know its status, dimensions and possible legal or physical limitations. In short, the Finca 554 de Anglesola is a rustic property for sale through an auction organized by the Spanish government, where interested people can bid for this piece of field and dry land in Anglesola.
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