This real estate auction corresponds to a garage with storage room located on Calle Vicente Juan Rosselló number 50, floor -2, square 27, in Palma (Baleares). This is the number 32 of order, a parking on the second basement floor, with access to Vicente Juan Rosselló Ribas street via a ramp. The garage is part of a building on the streets Vicente Juan Rosselló Ribas and Avenida de San Fernando in Palma. It has an area of 8 m2, and the attached storage room has 1.50 m2. As for the boundaries, when entering the car park, the garage is on the right with car park 28, on the left with a warehouse or commercial space, and on the back with a combination of storage and the stair box. On the front bordered by the circulation area. The quota for this property is 0.475. The auction procedure would imply that the interested parties submit their tenders in closed envelope, indicating the price and terms of payment. The auction shall be conducted publicly and awarded to the highest bidder. Once awarded, the buyer must pay the purchase price and comply with the conditions set out in the tender specifications.
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